Selected Bibliography
“Giappone”, D’Ars, Italy, No.55, 1970, p.65.
Joseph Love, ” Exhibition in Tokyo – Lee Ufan”, Art International, Switzerland, Vol. XIV, June 1970, pp.108-109.
Joseph Love, “Tokyo Letter”, Art International. Switzerland, Vol. XV, May 1971, pp.79-82.
“Lee Ufan “, Revue De La Pensée D’aujourd’hui, France, June 1974, pp.54-59.
“Lee Ufan”, Revy, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark, 1974.
Joseph Love, “Exhibition in Tokyo”, Art Spectrum, Switzerland, Jan. 1975, p.45.
“Kunstbrief aus Tokyo”, Das Kunstwerk, Germany, Aug.1977, p.44.
Yvone Friedrich, “Lee Ufan”, Das Kunstwerk, Germany, Aug. 1977, p.81.
Yvone Friedrich, “Lee Ufan”, Das Kunstwerk. Germany, Oct. 1978, pp.77-81.
“Lee Ufan”, Canal, France, No.2, 1978.
T.J.G. Harris, “Lee Ufan”, Art International, Switzerland, Vol. XXII, May 1978, pp.16-37.
René Michà, “Lettre de Paris”, Art International, Switzerland, Vol. XXIII, Summer 1979, p.52.
Toshiaki Minemura, “Mono-ha”, Domus, Italy, No.596, 1979, p.45.
Maïten Bouissiet, “Lee Ufan”, Opus, France, No.78, 1980, pp.45-46.
Sylvie Dupuis,, “Lee Ufan”, Art Press, France, May 1980, p.36.
Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter, “Kunstbrief aus Tokyo”, Das Kunstwerk, Germany, Jan.1981, p.55.
Loredana Parmigiana, “Lee Ufan”, Flash Art, Italy, Summer 1982.
Aomi Okabe and Shigeo Chiba, “Dossier Mono-Ha”, Artistes, France, No. 16, 1983, pp.6-17.
Michel Nurdsany, “Lee Ufan”, Art Press, France, May 1984, p.62.
Shigeo Chiba, “Modern Art from a Japanese Viewpoint”, Artforum, U.S.A., Oct. 1984, pp.55-61.
Park Seobo, “Meeting Lee U-Fan”, The Gallery, Seoul, Korea : Gallery Hyundai, No.45, 1984, pp.32-40.
Shigeo Chiba, “Japanishe Kunst heute”, Noema, Germany, No.5, 1986, pp.8-11.
Arturo Silva, “MONOHA”, Artforum, U.S.A., Jan. 1987, pp.129-130.
Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter,”Austellungs-Rückshau”, Das Kunstwerk, Germany, Jan.1987, pp.56-60.
Arturo Silva, “Tokyo, Lee Ufan”, Artforum, U.S.A., Feb. 1987, p.132.
James Roberts, “Tokyo Report”, Art Scribe, May 1987, pp.7-10.
Martina Gorgnati, “Lee Ufan”, Flash Art, Italy, Dec. 1988, pp.101.
Gabriella Dalesio, “MONOHA-”, NIKE, Germany, Sept. 1988, pp.37-38.
“Lee Ufan”, Hara Museum Review, N°7, Summer, Japan, 1988
Markus Siegmann, “Lee Ufan”, Das Kunstwerk, Germany, Sep. 1989, pp.90-91.
Katharina Schneider, “Biennale in Middelheim”, Das Kunstwerk, Germany, Dec. 1989, pp.66-67.
Catherina Francblin, “Lee Ufan”, Art Press, France, Jan. 1990, pp.97.
Kim Yongik and Moon Bum, “Dialogue with Lee Ufan”, Space, Korea, Sep.1990, pp.60-97.
Tsuyuhiko Hinatsu, “Fighting Sprit”, Asahi Daily News, Japan, June, 1991.
“Lee Ufan”, Hara Museum Review, N°16, Japan, May 1991.
Julia Cassim, “Encountering Passive Abstraction”, The Japan Times, Japan, June, 1991.
Janet Koplos, “Contemporary Art in Japan”, Art in America, U.S.A., Apr. 1990, pp.201-210.
Janet Koplos, “Contemporary Japanese Sculpture”, Abbeville Press. U.S.A., 1991.
Lee Kun Yong , “Lee Ufan”, ART NOW, Korea, Spring 1992, pp.9-15.
Arturo Silva, “Lee Ufan in confrontation with himself, The Japan Times, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1995.
Michel Nurisdany, “Lee Ufan”, Le Figaro, Paris, France, 19 Septembre, 1995.
Henri-François Debailleux, ” Entretien avec Lee Ufan”, Liberation, Paris, France, 29 August 1995.
Barbrara Catoir, ” Die Wucht de Leere”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, April 12, 1995.
Joel Perron, “Mono-ha takes matter into account”, The Daily Yomiuri, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1995.
Werner Sstretelz, “Spannung in der Stille”, Waz, Germany, N°222 September, 1995.
Young-Me You, Lee Ufan, Inkong Gallery, Seoul, Korea, 1995.
Dok Ja, “Position of Lee Ufan”, Cine World, Seoul, Korea, 1994.
Lee Ufan, “Les aquarelles de Cézanne”, Libération, N°4469, 30 Septembre, Paris, France, 1995.
Pierre Restany, “Lee Ufan and the Mono-ha revolution”, Domus, N° 779, Italy, February, 1996.
Lee Ufan, “On Infinity”, Domus, N°779, Italy, February, 1996.
Jean Fisher, “Lee Ufan”, Lisson Gallery, London, U.K., 1996.
Richard Cork, “Lee Ufan”, Time, London, U.K., 5 November, 1996.
Lan Hant, “Lee Ufan-Lisson Gallery”, Art Monthly, March, London, U.K., 1997.
Michel Nuridsany, “Le vide et le plein”, Le Figaro, Paris, France, 25 Novembre 1997.
Philippe Dagen,”Concentrés de monde”, Le Monde, Paris, France, 5 Décembre, 1997.
Henri G., “La toile, nœud culturel”, Libération, Paris, France, 7 Décembre, 1997.
Stéphanie Dulout, “Entretien avec Maître LEE”, CRÉATIONS, Paris, France, Décembre 1997.
Sandra Kwock-silve,”Minimal art to the max”, The Paris Free Voice, Paris, France, Décembre, 1997.
“Entre le lisse et le rugueur”, L’ŒIL, Paris, France, Décembre, 1997.
Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter, “Lee Ufan”, Weltkunst, Frankfurt, Germany, 1998.
Christian Huther, “Lee Ufan”, KunstForum, Frankfurt, Germany, 14 Oct-Dec, 1998.
Christian Huther, “Dialog von Stein und Eisen”, Moin Echo, Frankfurt, Germany, 13 June 1998.
Christian Huther, ” Rost im Resen”, Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, Frankfurt, Germany, 11 June 1998.
Benjamin Gries, ” Natur Stein und Eisenplatte im Dialog”, Rhein Zeitung, Frankfurt, Germany, 9 June 1998.
Thomas Wolff, “Aus dem Nichts heraus”, Frankfurter Rundschau Frankfurt, Germany ,10 Aug 1998
Konstanze Crüwell, “Passage zum Unendlichen”, Frankfurter Allemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt, Germany, 20 July 1998
Roselyne Marsaud Perrodin, “Lee Ufan, l’affirmation d’un faire poétique”, PRATIQUES, Réflexions sur l’art, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, France, Automne, 1999, pp. 24-38
Monty Dipietro, “Lee Ufan : New paintings”, Asahi evening News, Tokyo, Japan, 18 Feb. 1999.
Michel Nuridsany, “Lee Ufan résonances”, Le Figaro, Paris, France, 23 Nov. 1999.
H.F. Debailleux, ” Trois faces de Lee Ufan”, Libération, Paris, France, 9 Nov. 1999.
Olivier Cena, “Les radoteurs”, Télérama, N°2600-10, Paris, France, Nov. 1999
Claudia Posca, “Lee Ufan : Interconnection”, KunstFORM, 153, Frankfurt, Germany, Jan-March, 2000.
Von Sophia Willems, “Lee Ufan”, West Deutsche Zeitung, Germany, 18 Nov. 2001.
Barbara Catoir, “Es atmet die Spur der Frabe”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt, Germany, 16 Aug, 2001.
Thomas Kliemann, “Wie ein Gong-schlag in der Leere des Raumes”, General- Anzeiger, 16/17, Bonn, Germany, Jun. 2001.
Kai Weller, “Unverde Ckt Entborgen”, SCHNÜSS, Bonn, Germany, Aug, 2001
Christiane Fricke, “Linien fallen und Steigen”, Handelsblatt, Germany, 17/18 Aug, 2001.
Heidrum Wirth, “Wie ein tiefer Gong-klang”, Bonner Rundschau, Bonn, Germany, 10 Aug, 2001
Michel Nuridsany, “Prix Praemium Imperiale Lee Ufan, Le Figaro, Paris, France, 5 Oct. 2001.
Philippe Dagen, “Lee Ufan, la peinture en mouvement”, Le Monde, Paris, France, 25 February, 2003.
Christian Klemm, “Lee Ufan, With Winds”, Kunsthaus Zürich, Jahresbericht, Zurich, Switzerland, 2004.
Okyang Chae-Duporge, “L’espace non-agi en dialogue avec l’extérieur”, PRATIQUES Réflexions sur l’art, n°16, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, France, Printemps 2005,pp. 82-109.
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Ufan entrepeinture et sculpture”, Libération, 10, Paris, France, February, 2006.
Ronny v. Wangenheim, “Die Stille des Lee Ufan”, Galerie m, Ruhr-Nachrichten, Germany, 31 March, 2006.
Janet Koplos, “Clamor and Quiet”, Art in America, U.S.A., March, 2006.
Werner Streletz, “Zwischen Steinen Herrscht Stille”, Galerie m, WAZ, Germany, 7 April, 2006.
R.C., “Kosmische Stille, Lee Ufans Verschmelzung westlicher und asiatischer Spiritualwelten”, Kunst 21, Germany, May, 2006, p.36-39.
Okyang Chae-Duporge, “L’espace non-agi dans l’œuvre de Lee Ufan”, Thèse du doctorat, sous la direction de Serge Lemoine, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris, France, June, 2006.
Silke von Berswordt-Wallrabe, “Begegnung mit dem Anderen. Erfahrung von Konfrontation und Koexistenz im werk von Lee Ufan”, Ph.D. thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 2006. Published in 2007 at Steidl, Göttingen 2007; Korean version: Seoul 2008.
Carol Vogel, “Art in the Present Tense: Politics, Loss and Beauty”, The New York Times, New York, U.S.A., 11 June, 2007.
Philippe Dagen, “Lee Ufan, in ascete de l’extreme”, Le Monde, Paris, France, 14 June, 2007.
Robert Reed, “Lee Ufan exhibition offers insight into his world”, The Daily Yomiuri, Tokyo, Japan, 28 September, 2007.
Barry Schwabsky, “Lee Ufan”, Art Forum, U.S.A., September, 2008.
Robert C. Morgan, “Lee Ufan”, Art Seen, The Brooklyn Rail, New York, U.S.A., Novermber, 2008.
Joan Kee, “Points, Lines, Encounters: The World According to Lee Ufan”, Oxford Art Journal, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., Volume 31, Number 3, 2008, pp.403-424.
Stephen Westfall, “Opposites and Essences; Lee Ufan”, Art of America, U.S.A., Dec. 2008, pp.114-119.
Renaud Siegmann, “Visite d’Atelier Lee Ufan”, la Gazette Drouot, France, Dec. 2008, pp.362-363.
Anne Lemonier, “Lee Ufan”, Collection Art Graphique, La Collection de Centre Pompidou, Musée national d’art modern – Centre de creation industrielle, Paris, France, 2008, p.444.
Oral History Interview with Lee Ufan, December 18 and 19, 2008, Oral History Archives of Japanese Art, Japan, 2008.
Harry Bellet, Philippe Dagen, “Les galleries parisiennes respondent à la crise par une rentrée charge”, Le Monde, Paris, France, 5 September, 2009.
Peter Lodermeyer, Karlyn De Jongh, Sarah Gold, and Lee Ufan, Personal Structures Time. Space. Existence, DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag GmbH & Co KG Cologne, Germany, 2009.
Silke von Berswordt-Wallrabe, Ein möglicher Dialog zwischen Lee Ufan und Merleau-Ponty, in: Antje Kapust, Bernhard Waldenfels (ed.), Kunst. Bild. Wahrnehmung. Blick. Merleau-Ponty zum Hundertsten, Munich 2010, pp. 219-226, and text by Lee Ufan: Vom Sehen. Hommage an Merleau-Ponty, pp. 227-229.
Genocchio, Benjamin. “Lee Ufan.” Art + Auction (May 2011): 71–76, illustrated.
Lee Ufan. “On Reflection.” Interview with Melissa Chiu. Frieze, no. 140 (June/July/August 2011): 188–193, illustrated.
Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter. “Mono-ha: Tension and Restraint” (Blum & Poe exhibition review). Artnet, 3 March 2012.
Lee, Ufan. “Lee Ufan’s Installation of His Work Relatum at Punta Della Dogana for the Exhibition ‘Prima Materia,’ May 2013.” Interview excerpt with Michael Govan. Pinault Collection, no. 01 (October 2013/March 2014): 44–47, illustrated.
Kee, Joan. “Reviews: ‘Requiem for the Sun: The Art of Mono-Ha,’ Blum & Poe” (exhibition review). Artforum, 50, no. 9 (May 2012): 316.
Lee, Ufan. “Entretien avec Lee Ufan.” Le Quotidien de l’Art, no. 621, 11 June 2014.
Philippe Dagen,“Des formes pures pour réinventer les lieux” (Le Château de Versailles exhibition preview). Le Monde, 12 June 2014.
Philippe Dagen,”Biennale de Lyon : l’artiste Lee Ufan affronte Le Corbusier”, Le Monde, Paris, France, 19 Septembre 2017.
Philippe Dagen,”Le Coréen Lee Ufan aura sa fondation en Camargue”, Le Monde, Paris, France, 16 Février 2018.
Robert Sullivan, "Lee Ufan’s Quietly Groundbreaking Five-Decade Career", WSJ Magazine, July 22, 2019
Elizabeth Fazzare, "Inside Lee Ufan’s Largest Site-Specific Outdoor Installation Ever", Architectural Digest, September 26, 2019
Roger Catlin, "Lee Ufan’s Transformative Sculptures Are in Dialogue With the Spaces They Inhabit", Smithsonian Magazine, October 2, 2019
Mark Jenkins, 'Lee Ufan: Open Dimension’ transforms the Hirshhorn’s outdoor plaza, subtly, The Washington Post, October 17, 2019
Selected Catalogues of Exhibitions
São Paulo Biennale, Brazil,1969, 1973.
Paris Biennale, France, 1971.
Solo Exhibition, Tokyo Gallery, Text by Nakahara Yusuke, Tokyo, 1973
Solo Exhibition, Galerie Spectrum, Antwerp, Belgium, 1976. Joseph Love.
Documenta 6. Kassel, Germany, 1977.
Z. B. Sculpture, Städtisches Museum Frankfurt des Städel, Germany, 1978.
Solo Exhibition, Düsseldorf Kunsthalle, Germany,1978. “The World of Lee Ufan”,Joseph Love and Lee Ufan.
6th Brussels International Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium, 1978.
Solo Exhibition, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea, 1978. “Lee Ufan”, Text by Lee Ufan.
Focus 78, Centre Culturel du Marais, Paris, France, 1978.
Skulptur im 20 Jahrhundert, Basel, Switzerland, 1980.
Japanskt Kalojdoskop, Sweden, 1980. “Lee Ufan”, Joseph Love.
Meister der Zeichnung, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Germany, 1982. “Lee Ufan”, Toshiaki Minemura.
Japanese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Camden Art Center, London, England, 1982.
Material Gets Art. Berlin National Galerie, Germany, 1982.
Three-men Exhibition, Juda Rowan Gallery, London, England, 1983.
Wiesbadener Skulpturentage, Germany, 1984.
Solo Exhibition, Gallery hyundai, Seoul, Korea, 1984, Text by Lee Ufan (Lee III).
Artist’s Books : Japan. Franklin Furnace Gallery, New York. U.S.A.and Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 1985, Yoshiaki Tõno.
Seoul-Paris, Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris, France,1986.
Contemporary Japanese Calligraphy and painting, Galerie Nationale de Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1986.
Japon des Avant-Gardes 1910-1970, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 1986.
Solo Exhibition, Hyondae Gallery, Seoul, Korea, 1987, 1990.
LEE UFAN : ex oriente, Ex Solo Exhibition, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano, 1987, Pierre Restany,” La Scuola delle Cose (l’École Des Choses)” : Pontiggia Elena, “Le Parole delle Cose” in Exhibition Catalogue, Monoha, Padiglione d’Art Contemporanea, Milano, Italy, 1988.
Symposium of Olympic Sculpture, Seoul, Korea, 1988.
Lee Ufan, Traces of Sensibility and Logic, The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, Japan, 1988. Text by Toshiaki Minemura, Masahiro Aoki, Kiyoshi Okada.
Pierre Restany, “Peindre sur l’aile du vent”, Croisement des Signes, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, 1989, p.60.
Toshiaki Minemura, “Evasion of the object / Ont snappen uither object” in Exhibition Catalogue, 20th Biennale Middelheim-Japan, Openluchtmu seum voor Beeldhouwkunst Middelheim, Antwerp, Belgium, 1989.
Effets de Mirror, Arts plastiques Ile-de-France, 1989, Michel Nuridsany.
Solo Exhibition, Galerie m Bochum, Germany, 1989. Text by Lee Ufan
With winds, Gallery Ueda, Tokyo Gallery, 1989, Arturo Silva.
Blau, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Germany, 1990.
Erlauterungen zur Modernen kunst, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany, 1990.
Lee Ufan, Kamakura Gallery, Tokyo, 1990. Text by Akira Tatehata
Solo Exhibition, Lorenzelli Arte, Milano, Italy, 1991, Flaminio Gualdoni.
Seven Artistes, Aspects of Contemporary Japanese Art, Santa Monica Museum of Art, U.S.A. 1991, Kazuo Yamawaki.
Solo Exhibition, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan, 1991. Text by Arata Tani
Solo Exhibition, Space Gallery Pusan, Korea, 1992.
Working with Nature, Tate Gallery, Liverpool, England, 1992, Lewis Biggs.
Ansichtssachen, Galerie m. Bochum, Germany, 1992.
Avandguardie Giapponesi Degli Anni 70, Galleria D’Arte Moderna Comune di Bologna, 1992, Barbara Bertozzi.
Solo Exhibition, The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Japan, 1993. Text by Tadayasu Sakai and Tsutomu Mizusawa.
Lee Ufan, Toshi Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan, 1993. Text by Michel Nuridsany and Arata Tani.
Solo Exhibition, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea, 1994. Text by Lim Young Bang and Uryung Lee.
Lee Ufan, Fondazione Mudima, Milano, 1994. Text by Gino di Maggio and Achille Bonito Oliva.
Lee Ufan, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea, 1994. Text by Toshiaki Minemura.
Lee Ufan, Städtisches Museum, Leverkusen, Germany, 1995. ” Lee Ufan-Ein Künstler des anderen”, by Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter, ” Der Stein und Die Leere” by Rolf Wedewer.
Japon 1970 Le Mono-Ha, Musée d’Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne, France. Text by Okada Kyoshi, 1996
Lee Ufan, Konggan Gallery, Pusan, Korea, Text by J-C. Poitevin, 1996
Solo Exhibition, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, 1997. “Pour Lee Ufan” by Michel Deguy, “Le territoire de l’œuvre” by Roland Rocht, “A l’intérieur du silence” by Daniel Abadie, “Relations” by Michel Nuridsany, Chronologie by Véronique Béranger, “Entretien avec Lee Ufan” by Henri-François Debailleux.
Lee Ufan, La Collection, Musée National D’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1997, Paris. Text by Nathalie Filser.
Tommaso Trini, “Anche il vuoto lavora”, Lorenzelli Arte, Milano, 1997
Solo Exhibition, Städtische Galerie STÄDEL, Frankfurt am main, 1998. Text “Die Beziehung Zwischen Eben und Volumen”, by Ursula Grzechca-Mohr, “Konkrete Ereignisse im Unbegrenzten” by Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter.
Solo Exhibition, Lee Ufan printworks 1970-1998, Mitaka City Gallery of Art, Tokyo, 1998. Text “Working and thinking of Lee Ufan” by Yusuke Nakahara, Yuichiro Asakura, Masakai Ono, Kikuo Okouchi, Kiyoshi Ejiri, Tetsuo Tani, Documentation by Toru Matsubara.
Korean Monochromism, Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, Korea, 1998. ” Lee Ufan” by Lee Dong-suk.
Kunstwelten im Dialog, Museum Ludwig, Köln. 1999
SARAJEVO 2000, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, 2000. “Lee Ufan” by Sung-dug Kim.
Solo Exhibition, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, 2001. “Lee Ufan vorwort” by Dieter Ronte.
“Spur in der Unendlichkeit-Zu Lee Ufans Künstlerischem Konzept” by Christoph Schreier, ” Das Verhältinis von U und MU Die Bildwelt von Lee Ufan” by Tsutomu Mizusawa, “Auf dem Weg zu einer unsichtbaren Welt – Die zweidimensionale Welt des Lee Ufan by Yusuke Nakahara, ” Lee Ufan- Einige Überlegungen zu seinen Bildern” by Irmtraud Schaarschmidt-Richter.
Hedendaagse kunst uit Japan Kröller-Müller Museum Otterlo, 2001. “Lee Ufan”, by Jaap Bremer.
Le Tribú dell’Arte, Galleria Comunale d’art Moderne, Roma, 2001. “Mono-ha” by Yasuyuki Nakai.
Century City, Tate Modern London, 2001. “Tokyo 1967-1973″ by Reiko Tomii.
Mono-ha – school of things, Museum of Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, 2001.
“Encountering Mono-ha” by Simon Groom, ” Foreshadowings and Premonitions : Mono-ha” by Lee Ufan, ” Mono-ha and Japan’s Crisis of the Modern” by Tatehata Akira.
Les Années 70 : l’art en cause, CAPA Musée d’art Contemporain de Bordeaux, 2002.”Mono-ha” by Maurice Fréchuret.
The Pacific Triennale Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia, 2002. “Lee Ufan”
Samsung Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea 2003
Happiness, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2003.
Musée St.Louis Fernet Branca, Alsace, 2004
Limpa – Ecole de Limpa, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 2004.
L’art au futur antérieur 1975-2004, Musée du Grenoble, 2004.
Solo Exhibition, Lee Ufan, The Art of Margins, Yokohama Museum of Art, 2005, “Interconnection”, “Yohaku-The Art of Margins” by Lee Ufan, “Painting Beginnings:
The paintings of Lee Ufan” by Kasiwagi Tomoh, “The Expansion of Things : The Sculpture of Lee Ufan” by Kuraishi Shino, “Chronology” by Okyang Chae-Duporge.
Reconsidering Mono-ha, The National Museum of Art Osaka, 2005, “Reconsidering Mono-ha” by Nakai Yasuyuki, “The Lineage of Art That Questions Being” by Minemura Toshiaki.
La Force de l’art, Grand Palais, Paris, France, 2006
Lee Ufan, Le Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne Métropole, Saint-Etienne, France, 2005. “Si près, si loin : la peinture/méditation de Lee Ufan” by Lorand Hegyi, “L’espace non-agi dans l’œuvre de Lee Ufan” by Okyang Chae-Duporge.
6th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea, 2006.
Elastic Taboos Within the Korean World of Contemporary Art, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austra, 2007. Sun Dook Kim.
Living in the Material World : <<Things>> in Art of the 20th Century and Beyond, 2007, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
L’art de Monet et sa Postérité, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
52nd La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia, Italy, 2007.
Lee Ufan Resonance, 52nd La Biennale di Venezia, 2007. “One Hand Clapping” by Achille Bonito Oliva, “Comments on contextualization in the paintings of Lee Ufan” by Lorand Hegyi, “All in one point” by Gino de Maggio, publication of Fondazione Mudima.
Sensitive Systems – Lee Ufan, Roman Opalka, Giuseppe Penone, Gunther Uecker, Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, 2008, “A Strong Sense of Life” by Lorand Hegyi.
Meditations Biennale, Poznan, Poland, 2008.
Lee Ufan, Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, 2008. Introduction by Michel Draguet, text by Philippe Dagen, Pierre-Yves Desaive.
The Thin Line of Shadow – Lee Ufan, Roman Opalka, Gunther Uecker, Fondazione Mudima, Milano, Italy, 2008. Text by Lorand Hegyi.
Lee Ufan, Pace Wildenstein, New York, U.S.A., 2008. “Dialogues” by Silke von Berswordt-Wallrabe.
Lee Ufan Sculpture, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea, 2009. “Le Dialogue des Contraires” by Henri-François Debailleux, “Buddha’s Lotus Metaphor of encounter or sculpture” by Lee Ufan.
Lee Ufan Peintures et Sculpture, Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Paris, France, 2009. “Interview” by Lorand Hengyi, “Lee Ufan: Painting as Arrow” by Daniel Abadie, “Interconnection” by Lee Ufan.
Essential Experience, RISO Galleria Regionale della Sicilia, Sicilia, Italy, 2009. “Introduction” by Renato Quaglia, “Essential Experiences’ Time, Death, Radicality and Responsibility” by Lorand Hegyi.
Lee Ufan: Marking Infinity, Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2011. Text by Alexandra Munroe with contributions by Tatehata Akira and Mika Yoshitake.
Dialogue Lee Ufan, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, 2011. Text by Okyang Chae-Duporge.
Tokyo 1955-1970: A New Avant-Garde, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2012. Text by Doryun Chong with essays by Michio Hayashi, Mika Yoshitake, and Miryam Sas
Requiem for the Sun: The Art of Mono-Ha. Blum & Poe, New York, 2012.
Personal Structures: Time, Space, Existence. Texts by Karlyn De Jongh and Sarah Gold. Leiden: Global Art Affairs Foundation, [2013]: 191, 192–193, illustrated
Prima Materia. Electa, Milan, 2013.
Lee Ufan: Dissonance. Michel Enrici and Ukai Satoshi. Lee Ufan. Actes Sud, Arles, 2013.
Lee Ufan. Text by Michel Enrici and Ukaï Satoshi. Actes Sud, Paris, 2013.
Joan Kee. Contemporary Korean Art: Tansaekhwa and the Urgency of Method. University of Minnesota Press, 2013
Lee, Ufan. L’art de la résonance. Paris: Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 2013.Lee Ufan, Versailles. Texts by Alfred Pacquement and Tatehata Akira. Paris: Publication de la Réunion des Musées Natioinaux – Grand Palais, 2014.
Ilgen, Fré. Artist? The Hypothesis of Bodiness: A New Approach to Understanding the Artist and Art. Tübingen, Germany: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag GmbH & Co, 2014.
Formes Simples. Metz and Paris: Éditions du Centre Pompidou-Metz; Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, 2014.
From All Sides: Tansaekhwa on Abstraction, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, 2014. Text by Joan Kee.
The Art of Dansaekhwa, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, 2014. Text by Yoon Jin Sup, Alexandra Munroe, Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath.
Lee Ufan, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow, 2015. Text by Olga Bakeeva.
Lee Ufan, Pace Gallery, New York, 2015. Text by Barbara Rose.
Lee Ufan, Lisson Gallery, London, 2015. Text by Simon Morley.
Dansaekhwa & Minimalism, 56th La Biennale di Venezia, 2015. Edited by Yongwoo Lee.
Dansaekhwa with Lee Ufan, 56th La Biennale di Venezia, 2015. Edited by Yongwoo Lee.
Korean Abstract Painting: 45th Anniversary of Gallery Hyundai, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, 2015. Text by Kwangsu Oh and Misook Song.
Lee Ufan: From Point, From Line, From Wind, Pace London, 2015. Text by Alfred Pacquement.
Lee Ufan Pressentiment, CCC OD Tours, Beaux Arts & Cie, 2017.
Lee Ufan chez Le Corbusier Au-delà des souvenirs, 14e Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon, Couvent de La Tourette, 2017. Bernard Chauveau Édition. Texts by Frère Marc Chauveau, Alfred Pacquement, Christine Blanchet.
Lee Ufan, Habiter Le Temps Inhabiting Time, Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2019. Texts by Jean-Marie Gallais and Tatehata Akira.
Lee Ufan, Traces, Cahiers d’Art, Paris, 2019.
Lee Ufan, Requiem. Text by Alfred Pacquement. Actes Sud, Arles, 2021.
Lee Ufan: 15th Anniversary of the National Art Center. National Art Center, Tokyo, 2023.